Quickstart guide, RSS feeds, and audio encoding
4 articles
Plugin settings, syncing with Castos, and FAQ
27 articles
Migrate an existing podcast to Castos
5 articles
Publish settings, passwords, upgrades, and billing
8 articles
Remove a podcast, Podcasting 2.0, subscribe links, and redirects
15 articles
Schedule, publish, delete, or draft a podcast episode
9 articles
Submit a podcast to directories, use a media tracking prefix, and video podcasts
22 articles
Make money through ads and/or donations
10 articles
Understand your audience and learn how Castos Analytics work
7 articles
Add a domain, theme, and subscribe links to your Castos-generated podcast website
5 articles
Publish exclusive content and add private subscribers
12 articles
Enhancing and integrate various features and tools within Castos
13 articles
Change, cancel, and reactivate your Castos hosting account
5 articles
Account, RSS feeds, file types, and Castos features
15 articles
Podcasting 2.0, Elementor widgets, and API
22 articles
WordPress, distribution, cover art, YouTube, RSS feeds
16 articles