Using Seriously Simple Podcasting
Plugin settings, syncing with Castos, and FAQ
- Seriously Simple Podcasting Settings Overview
- Publish your first episode in WordPress
- Seriously Simple Podcasting shortcodes
- Seriously Simple Podcasting FAQ
- Include Multiple Podcasts' Episodes in the Default Feed
- Working With Multiple Podcasts
- Migrate your podcast from PowerPress and Blubrry to your WordPress website
- Validate your RSS feed before migrating your podcast
- Connect your WordPress site to Castos using the Castos API Token
- Moving Your self-hosted podcast to the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin on WordPress
- Sync your Podcast on WordPress to your Castos Hosting Account
- Using the Castos Player Block
- Customizing Your Podcasts Archive URL
- Podcast 2.0 Transcript tag
- Add Subscription Links to Seriously Simple Podcasting's Podcast Player
- Create Podcast Seasons in Seriously Simple Podcasting
- Create an additional podcast with Seriously Simple Podcasting
- My podcast feed is locked, what do I do?
- Add Episode Transcript Using the Castos Transcripts Gutenberg Block
- Delete a podcast episode in WordPress