Run a Conflict Test in WordPress

Run a conflict test on a theme, plugin, or framework on your WordPress page to check compatibility with Seriously Simple Podcasting.

Most themes are compatible with Seriously Simple Podcasting. The Elementor WordPress framework is also 100% compatible with the plugin. However, there might be the need to check if a certain plugin, theme, or framework interferes with the plugin's functionality.

This guide outlines how to run a plugin conflict test in WordPress to check if Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin.


We strongly recommend running these tests on a staging, local, or development version of your website. Castos is not responsible for any problems that may arise from running theme and conflict tests on a live environment.

To get started, first make a backup copy of your site. If you are able, move the site to a staging or local development environment:

From Appearance → Themes, install and/or activate a default WordPress theme such as Twenty Twenty-Two:

From Plugins → Installed Plugins, select all available plugins besides Seriously Simple Podcasting, then select Deactivate from the Bulk Actions drop down menu:

Check the page or functionality of your WordPress page that is experiencing the issue with Seriously Simple Podcasting. Has the issue been resolved?
If so, reactivate the deactivated plugins from Plugins → Installed Plugins one by one until you are able to identify the plugin that is causing the issue.


Conflicts are sometimes caused by security and/or caching plugins.
Other functionalities could be installed in your WordPress theme or in the Must Use Plugins folder.

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