Schedule a podcast episode ahead of time

Create an episode and set a publish date and time in the future, or update the date and time of an episode you've already published.

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Update the publishing date/time of a scheduled episode in Castos

Schedule an episode in Seriously Simple Podcasting

Update the publishing date/time of a scheduled episode in Seriously Simple Podcasting

Schedule a new episode in Castos

  1. Sign in to your Castos dashboard and click Add Episode
  2. Enter episode details and upload media file
  3. Click the publish date to open the calendar and select a future date and time:

  1. Click Schedule Episode

The episode will be added to your Castos dashboard but will not yet be published to your RSS feed until the scheduled date and time.

Update the publishing date/time of a scheduled episode in Castos

  1. Sign in to your Castos dashboard and click View Episodes
  2. Click the episode title to open the Episode Details page
  3. Click the date field to open the calendar. Select the date and time you'd like the episode to be published.
  4. Click Schedule Episode

Tip: Need to remove an episode but don't want to delete it? You can remove an episode from your podcast's RSS feed by changing the Publish Date to a date in the future.

Schedule an episode in Seriously Simple Podcasting

Scheduling a podcast episode in Seriously Simple Podcasting is just like scheduling a regular post in WordPress.

  1. In the Episode editor in WordPress, Look for the Publish panel on the right-hand side (in Block Editor) or the Publish meta box (in Classic Editor). Select the desired date and time for your post to be published.
  2. After selecting the desired publish date and time, the Publish button will change to Schedule. Press Schedule

Note: Scheduling an episode in WordPress will sync that episode to Castos (if connected) in a scheduled state for the same release time/date (make sure to set your time zone in your Account Settings).

Draft episodes currently do not sync to Castos, even if an episode file has been uploaded.

Update the publishing date/time of a scheduled episode in Seriously Simple Podcasting

  1. Locate the scheduled episode to be re-scheduled.
  2. Click Edit on the episode and in the right-hand Episode/Post Settings, update the Publish date/time
  3. Click Update to save the new scheduled publish date/time.
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