Add WordPress categories to podcast episodes in Seriously Simple Podcasting
To include your blog categories in your podcast episodes, you need to add the following code snippets to your theme or child theme.
Adding Code Snippets using the Code Snippets plugin
Code Snippets (developed and supported by Code Snippets B.V) is a safe way to add code snippets to your WordPress page.
- Install and activate the Code Snippets plugin
- Download the .json file for enabling categories on Podcasts using Code Snippets
Adding Code Snippets Manually
First, add this snippet:
add_action( 'init', 'ssp_add_categories_to_podcast', 15 ); function ssp_add_categories_to_podcast () { register_taxonomy_for_object_type( 'category', 'podcast' ); }
This will add the blog categories to your podcast episodes in the dashboard. However, it won't affect the front-end of your website.
To make the episodes appear in the category archives on your website, you need to add this second code snippet as well:
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'ssp_add_podcast_to_category_archives' ); function ssp_add_podcast_to_category_archives( $query ){ if( is_admin() ) { return; } if( $query->is_tax('category') || $query->is_category()) { $query->set('post_type', array( 'post', 'podcast' ) ); } }
If your theme or any plugin modifies the category archive query excessively, these code snippets may not work as intended. If that's the case, contact your theme developer for further guidance on how to add a custom post type to your category archives.