What is an RSS feed redirect?

This Knowledge Hub guide summarizes what an RSS feed direct is.

An RSS feed redirect is like forwarding your current mailing address (RSS feed) to a new address (new Podcast host and RSS feed) during a move.

If your RSS feed is your podcast's address, a redirect tells the podcast directories and apps that are distributing and serving your podcast to forward requests (redirect) and to start looking to your new RSS feed for updates.

Here's how it works:

  1. Your listeners subscribe to your old RSS feed address
  2. When you change your podcast hosting service or URL, you set up an RSS feed redirect to your new RSS feed address
  3. When listeners try to access your old RSS feed (via a podcast listening app), they'll be automatically redirected to your new address.
  4. Your listeners will continue to receive new episodes without any interruption or having to update their subscriptions.

When you change podcast hosting services or your podcast's RSS feed, you can set up a redirect so that your listeners don't have to update their podcast apps manually.

Note on Redirects and Re-Submitting RSS Feeds

Is your podcast already listed on podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify and you are migrating your podcast to a new podcast host?

Re-submitting your new RSS feed to the directories is not necessary with a redirect and will result in your podcast being listed twice.

All podcasts directories will automatically update your show's RSS feed. This can take time though.

We recommend leaving your RSS feed redirects in place for at least 4 weeks, which could mean keeping your previous host subscription active.

If this is not possible, you may need to update your show's RSS feed URL manually from the podcast directories. Please check each directory's help documentation for steps to manually update RSS feeds for existing shows.

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