Reactivate your Castos hosting account

Want to return to podcasting with Castos? Reactivate your Castos hosting account using the steps below.

  1. Sign in to Castos using the email and password you used before.

If you've forgotten your password and need to create a new one, you can request a password reset here.

  1. Click Reactivate Account.
  2. Click Review Changes if you'd like to reactivate to your previous Castos plan. Click Select Different Plan if you'd like to reactivate to a different plan.
  3. Review your card information and the subscription plan, then press Reactivate Account:

  1. Your card will be charged the amount of the plan, then redirect you to your Billing → Plan page.

Have any questions about reactivating a Castos hosting plan? Contact Support by using the Help Widget in the bottom left corner of this page.

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