I upgraded to 3.0, now I have a default podcast. Can I delete it?

Why do I now have a "default podcast" after upgrading?

There has always been a "default podcast", however, prior to Seriously Simple Podcasting 3.0, it was relatively obscure and without a term. It lived at the RSS feed yoursite.com/feed/podcast/ . Because it had no term, when you went to your All Podcasts list (Podcasting —> All Podcasts), you didn't see this podcast listed. This also meant that you couldn't assign episodes to it. To assign episodes to this default podcast meant you had to leave them unassigned. Confusing, right?

The reason why you now have two "duplicate" podcasts could possibly be attributed to the way you onboarded with Seriously Simple Podcasting. When you went through the onboarding wizard, this only set up that obscure default podcast. It's likely that you went to your All Podcasts list and didn't see the podcast you just created, so you created it again. This would mean you now had both your default podcast and the additional podcast with the same show information.

The 3.0 upgrade did away with the obscurity to help make the plugin make more sense when it comes to the "default podcast". It's a true podcast now, you can appropriately assign episodes to it and view it on the All Podcasts page. The RSS feed follows the format of yoursite.com/feed/podcast/show-title-slug unless you had an additional podcast with the same show title as your default podcast, in that case - the upgrade process used the slug default-podcast so as to not conflict with an already existing show slug.

What happened to my /feed/podcast/ RSS feed? Does it still work?

The /feed/podcast/ RSS feed now 302 redirects to the new default feed. This means that podcast directories will still be able to ingest your podcast/episodes.

Can I delete the default podcast?

No, you cannot delete the default podcast.

If you have never used the previous default RSS feed (/feed/podcast/ ) anywhere - you could rename the default podcast and the slug to use it for another podcast.

Can I still have other podcasts episodes included in the default podcast RSS feed?

Yes, this setting did not change. You can still include any episodes assigned to additional podcasts in the default podcast.

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