Create Analytics Reports

Available for: Castos Growth and Castos Pro hosting plans

Castos Analytics includes both .csv file download and customizable .pdf reports for Castos Growth and Pro plans.

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How to generate Castos analytics reports

  1. From Analytics → Download Reports, adjust the date range and either an individual podcast or All Podcasts:

  1. For CSV Downloads, you can choose to download Listens, Spotify Listens, and Followers reports. CSV reports are great for using your podcast's raw analytics data to manipulate further or add to your own measurements dashboard.
  2. PDF Reports can be used for presenting your podcast analytics to other stakeholders. After clicking Build Report, you'll have the option to show/hide report sections like Listens, Spotify Listens, Followers, Top Platforms and Apps, and Top Countries and Cities. You can also customize a front page and/or remove Castos branding from the report.

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