Using Seriously Simple Podcasting with custom post types

Seriously Simple Podcasting allows you to publish episodes using third-party custom post types but this can, occasionally, lead to conflicts outside of our control. This knowledge hub article outlines known issues that can occur and what steps you can take to resolve them.

Jump to: ssp-side-panel/ssp-episode-meta-sidebar Error in Editor

WordPress Editor Error: ssp-sidebar-panel and ssp-episode-meta-sidebar

First error in WordPress Editor: The
Error in WordPress editor

If you see this error, it's because you're publishing an episode with a custom post type that either does not support custom fields or has not been made available to the WordPress REST API. While SSP version 3.7 and later can accommodate most custom post types that do not support custom fields, each third-party plugin or custom post type is different so we can't account for all variations.

The "ssp-sidebar-panel" plugin has encountered an error and cannot be rendered.
The "ssp-episode-meta-sidebar" plugin has encountered an error and cannot be rendered.

In order to resolve this, you'll need to reach out to the plugin's support or development team to request that they allow custom fields for the post type and make it available to the REST API.

If you've registered your own custom post type to use for episodes, you need to make sure that supports includes custom-fields, and show_in_rest is true.

Example custom post type registration below.

register_post_type( 'webinar',
		// CPT Options
			'labels' => array(
				'name' => __( 'Webinar' ),
				'singular_name' => __( 'Webinar' )
			'public' => true,
			'has_archive' => true,
			'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'webinar'),
			'show_in_rest' => true,
			'supports' => array(

If you have any questions, you'll need to reach out to your plugin's support team or developer.

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