Claim your show with Apple Podcasts Connect

If you've submitted your podcast to Apple Podcasts via our direct integration but want to claim your show to move it to your own Apple Podcasts Connect account, you will need to take the following steps:

  1. Create an Apple Podcasts Connect account if you haven't already
  2. In the More Actions section, click Claim Existing Show
  3. Enter your show's Apple Podcasts URL and click Next
  4. Copy the claim token and return to your Castos Dashboard
  5. Go to the podcast's Settings —> Distribution —> Directories page
  6. Click Claim for Apple Podcasts.
  7. In the pop up modal, enter the claim token
  8. Click Submit Claim

What happens next?

Once the claim is submitted, the token is added to your RSS feed where Apple Podcasts can confirm ownership of the show and move the show from the Castos Apple Podcasts Connect account to yours.

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