Adding Your Podcast to the Menu
The Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin automatically creates a page that displays all of your published podcasts. After the plugin is installed you can find that page by visiting You have the ability to add this page to your menu, change the page slug and customize the page layout.
Adding the Podcast page to your menu
WordPress allows you to add items to a menu area as specified by your theme. Every site should have at least one menu location available, but you may find there are additional locations available. Before starting, please consult your theme documentation to identify the location of the menu you will be working with.
- Go to Customizer in the WordPress toolbar.
- Select Menu.
- Click the Menu location. In this example, we are working with a menu called Primary and it is located in the top header. Your theme may look slightly different.
- Click Add Item.
- Navigate to the section titled Podcast and click the arrow to open the options panel.
- From the Options Panel select Post Type Archive
- This page is called All Episodes. You can change the name of the page in the Menu by clicking on the Page Name and then typing a new name into the input field. The URL of the page will remain the same, only the menu title will be changed.
Changing the Page Page URL
The SSP plugin by default creates a page for your podcasts that is named /podcast. This is also called the page slug and you may want to customize this option for your site. To do this you or a developer will need to add a code snippet to the functions.php file of your child theme or to a customizations plugin installed on your site. For complete instructions visit Modifying the Podcast Page URL.
Changing the Layout of the Podcast Page
The SSP plugin creates the podcast page for your site using a page template created by your theme. You can modify this page by creating a new template page in your child theme of archive-podcast.php or index-podcast.php depending on your theme structure. For complete instructions visit Creating Custom Podcast Templates.