Invite Team Members to your Castos Hosting Account

Invite team members and podcast collaborators to join your Castos account. Each user you invite will be able to publish episodes, edit episode details, and view listener analytics.

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All Castos plans allow adding team members:

Essentials: up to 3 team members Growth: Up to 6 team members
Pro: unlimited team members Premium: unlimited team members

Note: Access to Billing Details, Account Settings, Monetization and other functions remain limited to the account Admin only.

Invite a collaborator to your Castos account

  1. Sign into your Castos dashboard and click the account name
  2. Select Team Members
  3. Click Add Member:

  1. Enter their email address and click Invite

Your podcast collaborator will receive an email inviting them to join your Castos account. Users joining your Castos account are added to the Team Members dashboard where you can manage invites and access.

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