Create profiles for podcast hosts for your podcast's Castos website

Host Profiles are shown on your podcast's Castos website and allow your audience to learn more about hosts with name, a biography, and website and social media links.

Jump to Add a new host profile to a podcast

Edit or delete a host profile

You can access the Host Profiles page from your Castos dashboard or by clicking the podcast → Hosts.

How to add a new host to a podcast

  1. From either page, click + New Host
  2. Enter the name of the host, add details to their bio, and select the title of the podcast(s) they'll be hosting. 
  3. To upload a photo, click Choose File. Image should be square, between 500 x 500 pixels and 3000 x 3000 pixels, and uploaded as a .png or .jpg file.
  4. Add links to the host's website and social media pages by entering a URL (use https:// before the URL).
  5. Click Update

Host profiles will now be featured on your Castos podcast website. They are not added to podcast directories such as Apple Podcasts, which enables hosts for "only select podcasts".

Edit or delete a host profile

  1. Click the account name and select Host Profiles from the menu
  2. Click the edit icon to make any changes and click Update. Click the trash icon of the host your want to remove it entirely.
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