Submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts

Jump to: Submit podcast via Castos' direct integration

Submit podcast using your own Apple Podcasts Connect Account

Before submitting your podcast, you should ensure that it meets the podcasting RSS feed requirements and has no fatal errors on

Submit your podcast using Castos' direct integration

  1. For the new podcast you want to submit to Apple Podcasts, click Settings
  2. Click Distribution and then go to Directories
  3. Find Apple Podcasts in the Directory list and click Settings
  4. In the modal, set whether the show has third-party content or not, the Update Frequency, and the Countries you would like your show to be available in.
  5. Click Submit To Apple Podcasts
  6. Wait for Apple Podcasts to review your show and make it available for distribution. This process can take up to a few hours.

Ready to Claim your show with your own Apple Podcasts Connect account? You can find those steps outlined here: Claim your show with Apple Podcasts Connect

Submit your podcast using your own Apple Podcasts Connect account

Copy the RSS feed URL in Castos

  1. For the new podcast you want to submit to Apple Podcasts, click Settings
  2. Click Distribution
  3. Copy your podcast's public RSS feed URL

Submit the RSS feed to Apple Podcasts

  1. Use your Apple ID to sign in to your Apple Podcasts Connect account.
  2. Click the + icon to add a new podcast.

  1. Select Add a show with an RSS feed and enter the RSS feed URL copied from your Castos dashboard
  2. Click Next.
  3. Set the show access and continue.
  4. The show will be in a draft state and show details will reflect the following

    We’re still processing your show details. Check back later and then click Publish.

  5. After about an hour or so (sometimes sooner), refresh the page and you'll see a Publish button appear along with your show's details.

  6. Select your show's update frequency, select the content rights of your show, and click Save.
  7. Click Publish.

Congratulations, your show is now available on Apple Podcasts!

You'll find your new Apple Podcasts show URL within the show details section.

If an issue prevents Apple Podcasts from accepting the RSS feed, the Apple Podcasts Connect Help site includes information to assist. 

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