Redirect your podcast's RSS feed

Redirect your podcast’s RSS feed to a new RSS feed. A redirect tells the podcast directories and apps that are distributing and serving your podcast to forward requests (redirect) and to start looking to your new RSS feed for updates.

Note: 301 redirects are permanent and can't be undone once podcast directories see the change in a distributed RSS feed.

Jump to: Redirect your RSS feed in Castos

Redirect your RSS feed on WordPress with Seriously Simple Podcasting

The redirection of the RSS feed will impact any directories from which your podcast is distributing, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. You might consider redirecting your podcast's current RSS feed in either of the following scenarios:

  1. You are altering the domain of your WordPress site or the website hosting the podcast.
  2. You are migrating to a new podcast host

Read more about what redirects do here.

Redirect your RSS feed in Castos

  1. From Castos, select Settings for the desired podcast you wish to redirect.
  2. Go to Distribution → Danger Zone
  3. Input the new RSS feed URL to which you want to redirect your Castos RSS Feed.
  4. Save your changes by clicking Save.

Redirect your RSS feed on WordPress with Seriously Simple Podcasting

  1. Sign in to your WordPress Admin dashboard
  2. Go to PodcastingSettingsFeed Details
  3. If you have more than one podcast, select the title of the podcast you'd like to redirect
  4. Check the box for Redirect this feel URL and enter the new RSS feed URL

  1. Click Save Settings

The existing RSS feed generated by our Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin will now be redirected to the new podcast feed URL.

To check the redirect, enter the original RSS feed URL into your browser. If done correctly, you should be redirected to the new podcast feed URL. 

We recommend leaving the redirect in place for four weeks to ensure all podcast directories have had time to notice the change.

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