I don't see my episode in the Castos dashboard
If you have published an episode in WordPress via Seriously Simple Podcasting and don't see the synced episode on your dashboard, check the following possible reasons and their resolutions.
Troubleshooting why your episode isn't showing in Castos
While these are a few likely explanations, this list is not exhaustive. If you're in doubt, please contact us through the help widget and the Castos Support team can further assist you.
Your API key has not been added and validated
Check the plugin under Podcasting → Settings → Hosting to verify and validate your API key.
Your audio files are uploaded to the WordPress Media Library
If your API key is not present or blocked for another reason and you don't see the blue progress bar when uploading your file to Castos, you will instead see a file URL for the podcast that looks like https://yourdomain.com/wp-content/uploads/file-name.mp3.
To find the URL for the audio file of your podcast, check the File Details in the Episode editing window or from the browser URL window after clicking Play in New Window:
You created your new episode by using a Post Duplicator plugin
If you use a plugin to create new podcast episodes like Yoast's Duplicate Posts the episode IDs will not change, writing over the duplicated post in your dashboard. This is the most likely case if your latest episode is there, but not the previous episode. Always create new podcasts by going to Podcast Add New Episode.
Replace the episode with a new media file
In most cases, confirming a validated API key and replacing the episode file will properly sync the episode to Castos.
Still having an issue? Reach out to the Castos Support team from the Help widget on this page.