Distribution and Podcast Apps FAQ
How long does it take podcast listening platforms to accept a new RSS feed and publish a podcast?
Each platform is a little different. Some will accept an RSS feed and publish a podcast within a few days while others can take up to 2 weeks. Not all listening platforms will notify you when your podcast has been published. Your best bet is to periodically search for your podcast on each platform until it's been published.
I submitted by podcast's RSS feed to Apple Podcasts but there's a problem. What should I do?
Review our Apple Podcasts Troubleshooting guide. The Apple Podcast Connect help center also includes detailed guides for each error message you might be seeing.
I've added a new episode in Castos. How long does it take to appear on podcast apps?
Although this process is automatic, it's not immediate. It can take up to 24 hours to see new episodes, updated cover art, etc. updated on each platform.
Will I have to resubmit the RSS feed every time I publish a new episode?
No. A connection is created between the podcast listening platform and your podcast once the RSS feed has been accepted and your podcast has been published. After that, each platform will recognize new episodes are available in your podcast's RSS feed and add them to your podcast.
Do I need an Apple ID and Apple Podcast Connect account to publish my podcast on Apple Podcasts?
Yes. Before submitting your podcast's RSS feed you'll need to create a free Apple Podcast Connect account. Apple has put together this step-by-step guide if you have any questions.
Why do my analytics seem off?
Each podcast listening platform updates listener analytics in your Castos dashboard at their own pace and some require 24 hours. This means if a subscriber listened to an episode today, you might not see that reflected in your Castos dashboard until tomorrow. Some platforms also include the option to view listener analytics directly in your podcaster account including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify for Creators.