Submit your video podcast to podcast directories

Note: Video podcast uploads are supported on Castos Pro hosting plans

While video podcasting is supported on Castos, not all podcast platforms support video podcasts. Unfortunately this isn't always clear to new podcasters.

Read more to understand the differences between some platforms regarding video podcasts and what to do to maximize your podcast's reach.

Jump to: Podcast directories that support video podcasting

Create a video podcast on Spotify

Podcast directories that support video podcasting

You can submit a video podcast to Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, and iHeartRadio using the same process as audio-only podcasts.

Note: iHeartRadio, Deezer, Podchaser, Amazon Music, PlayerFM accept RSS feeds with video episodes. However, these directories will only play the audio of your podcast.

Create a video podcast on Spotify

Spotify does not directly support video episodes that are hosted anywhere besides Spotify for Podcasters. To work around this limitation, we recommend creating a video podcast hosted directly on Spotify for Podcasters.

If you have an audio podcast that is already distributing to Spotify, you can replace audio files for video files directly on Spotify for Podcasters

  1. From Spotify for Podcasters, click your account avatar → Add or Claim your Podcast, then Start one now:

Important: This podcast will have an Anchor/Spotify RSS feed. This isn't connected to your podcast hosted on Castos and the video will only be available on Spotify. For new video episodes to be available on Spotify, you will need to re-create the episode on their platform.

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